Sponsorship and Charity

Get involved in your community. It will increase loyalty and sales.

Restaurants are one of the few types of businesses that will always be part of the local community. There’s little chance of outsourcing or ordering cooked cuisine from out of town. Take advantage of this by connecting with your immediate surroundings.

Some ideas might be;
Host a night for local business owners to get to know each other
Host a fund raising event for a local charity
Invite local artists to display their work in your space
Invite a local musician to perform weekly gigs

Also remember that good deeds attract lifelong customers. Donate any extra resources you have to a good cause. Before throwing out food or equipment that’s usable, think about any local groups that might need it. Start a regular habit of giving extra ingredients to a nearby charity organisation, and encourage other restaurants to do the same. When you update your kitchen stovetop, send the old one to the local community kitchen. It’s amazing how quickly news spreads when a local business takes charitable action. When you give to the community, they naturally want to give back to you.